
EkoSource has taken over the DHI South Africa Office and has maintained the software agency for the DHI products. EkoSource offers the widest range of water-related software solutions in South Africa. Products cover the entire water cycle from Source to Sea. EkoSource has retained the DHI SA team that have been using and supporting the various software applications in the SADC region for more than 15 years. EkoSource stocks and supports the MIKE POWERED BY DHI brand.
MIKE Powered by DHI
For more than 25 years, MIKE software has been the preferred choice for water professionals worldwide. The total coverage and truly integrated modelling possibilities of our product range is unmatched by any similar software family. We offer everything from off-the-shelf software to highly customisable, cost-effective and sustainable IT solutions, developed specifically for your project. Our knowledge and expertise - right at your fingertips - makes YOU the expert in water environments.
MIKE+ All Components - With MIKE+ you can integrate, model and manage all your water systems in one place for the most comprehensive analyses. Model water distribution, collection systems, river networks and flooding within a platform that is integrative, flexible and scalable to easily discover patterns, develop predictive modelling and design more resilient water systems. No more switching between different platforms when modelling urban water, river and flooding scenarios. Apply the power of MIKE+ to all your water systems. For more on MIKE+ click here.
MIKE+ River Networks - Analyse river flows, assess hydrological changes and estimate pollution transport to mitigate disasters and improve water quality.
MIKE+ Collection Systems - Model and analyse the hydrology and hydraulics of your collection system. Design real-time controls, assess resilient solutions and manage both stormwater and wastewater collection systems. Get more details here.
MIKE+ Water Distribution - Perform hydraulic and water quality modelling, gain control of pumps and valves and reduce leaks. Plan network sectioning analyse fire flows and trace multiple sources.
MIKE+ FLOOD - Predict the impact of flood events, identify risks and evaluate mitigation measures for climate adaptation and emergency response plans. Delve deeper here.
MIKE Cloud - The power of data, combined with scalable cloud computing, easy plug-in of third-party technologies, multi-user collaboration and partnerships enable efficient and innovative ways of modelling. MIKE Cloud gives you access to a quickly evolving ecosystem for the water industry, helping you achieve more – in less time. For more on MIKE Cloud click here.
WEST - WEST is a powerful and user-friendly software package for dynamic modelling and simulation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and other types of water quality-related systems. It is designed for operators, engineers and researchers interested in studying physical, biological or chemical processes in WWTPs, sewer systems and rivers. Get more information here.
MIKE WaterNet Advisor - MIKE WaterNet Advisor is a powerful and user-friendly web-based application for displaying EPANET, MIKE1D, SWMM model layers, editing model data, setting up scenarios, as well as running and displaying model results. You can access it using a web browser on any device, such as a desktop or laptop (running on Microsoft Windows, Apple or other operating systems), and smartphones or tablets. Find out more here.
MIKE 21: MIKE 21 is by far the most versatile tool for coastal modelling. If you need to simulate physical, chemical or biological processes in coastal or marine areas, MIKE 21 has the tools you need. Find out more here.
MIKE ECOLab - Investigate water quality concerns and their potential ecological impact with this open, flexible and science-based numerical laboratory designed to uncover immediate answers or support hypothesis testing. Explore this more here.
MIKE URBAN - integrated urban water modelling. For more on MIKE URBAN click here.
MIKE URBAN+ - Our integrated urban water modelling software, MIKE URBAN+, has now been replaced by an even more powerful platform. Learn more about this here.
LITPACK: Design and implementation of efficient coastline management strategies, locally as well as regionally, require detailed knowledge of the physical processes controlling the transport and sedimentation of beach materials. LITPACK models apply a unique deterministic approach to give you a powerful tool for a wide range of coastal zone management applications. Get more details here.
ABM Lab: ABM Lab offers unique integration of agent-based modelling with classical water quality and hydrodynamic modelling. It is possible to address questions beyond the scope of more traditional water quality and ecological models. ABM Lab is a flexible numerical laboratory used to define agents, their behaviour and states. Get more details here.
MetOcean Data Portal & Bathymetric Data Portal: The MetOcean Data Portal enables you to download and validate metocean data, including wind, wave, water level and current data – faster than ever before.
MIKE HYDRO Basin - MIKE HYDRO Basin is a multipurpose, map-based decision support tool for integrated water resources analysis, planning and management of river basins. Get more product information here.
MIKE HYDRO River - comprehensive river network modelling. For more on MIKE HYDRO River click here.
MIKE 21C - Model complex river dynamics through the advanced simulation of long-term flow, helical flow, sediment transport, alluvial resistance, scour and deposition as well as bank erosion and planform changes. Review more product information here.
MIKE SHE - Analyse groundwater, surface water, recharge and evapotranspiration processes with the most advanced and flexible framework for integrated hydrological modelling. Get more details here.
FEFLOW - Simulate a multitude of groundwater processes involving flow, contaminants, groundwater age and heat transport under fully or variably saturated conditions. For more FEFLOW details, click here.
MIKE OPERATIONS - an online modelling framework designed for water forecasting and operational control. Find out more here.
DIMS.CORE - For water environments, DIMS.CORE provides the perfect data repository for your management and real-time operation data and turns data into invaluable information concerning the performance. Get more details here.