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EkoSource has a large range of more than 50 clients in the private and public sector including but not limited to:

Public Sector

  • City of Cape Town

  • Umgeni Water

  • Inkomati/Usutu Catchment Management Agency

Government departments

  • Department Water and Sanitation and Namibia Agricultureand Forestry

  • Namibia agriculture and forestry

  • Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA), Zambia

Foreign Aid Donor Organisations

  • GIZ –   Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit.

  • CRIDF Climate Resilience Infrastructure Development Facility (DFID)



  • WWF.

  • WRC Water Research Commission.

  • IWMA International Water Management Institute.

  • NOAA – National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.

Private sector mining

  • Anglo American.

  • BHP Billiton. 

  • Kumba Iron ore. 

Private Sector Consulting (local and international)

  • Aurecon. 

  • Arcus Gibb.

  • NIRAS.

  • Private Sector Industry

  • Eskom.

  • Sass.

  • Illovo sugar.

River Basin Authorities

  • Ara Zambezi.

  • PRIMA – Progressive Realisation of the Inco Maputo Accord.

  • KOBWA. 

Working with Universities on research and training

  • University of Cape Town.

  • University of Stellenbosch

  • University of KwaZulu-Natal.


“EkoSource provided superb technical support and timely flexible project delivery on two transboundary flood risk management projects in the Incomati and Limpopo river basins.   Ekosource managed to tailor the technical components of the projects to meet the private and public sector stakeholders needs in challenging environments that helped elevate the projects to flagship status on the Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility (CRIDF) funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO).”  - Jonathan Barnes, Project Director, Infrastructure @ TETRA TECH

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