Compare and verify design alternatives for new WWTPs
Evaluate the performance of a selected WWTP through pre-defined and custom indicators under realistic dynamic conditions. Compare multiple design alternatives with respect to effluent quality, investments and operational costs. Run automated simulations, identify optimal design and verify performance under various boundary conditions using the Advanced Experiments tools (Uncertainty Analysis, Scenario Analysis and Parameter Estimation).
See how WEST compares MLE, Bardenpho and UCT process configurations for a municipal WWTP
Watch WEST transform an existing facility’s phosphorus removal process
Optimise and upgrade existing treatment facilities
Develop and calibrate detailed dynamic process models to emulate existing systems and processes. Identify optimal operational strategies, configure and virtually test new processes from these baseline models. Inform operational staff of optimal setpoints for control or to evaluate the efficacy of a new process. Implement plant-wide models and integrate different layers (water line, sludge line, energy, control) to holistically evaluate and optimise plant operations. Facilitate the transition from treatment plants to resource recovery facilities.
Develop custom process models and new processes unit blocks
Access your model using a Gujer Matrix Editor or a conventional Code Editor to develop custom models that include processes and components not typically described in traditional models. Create new process unit blocks and incorporate custom models using a dedicated Block Editor. Virtually test the performance of a novel biological treatment process unit designed with unique hydraulic characteristics and operating stages. Develop a new model block with customised input, hydraulic properties and biokinetic conversion processes (namely, modifications to standard Activated Sludge Models).
Track the effect of toxic chemical in a biological treatment system
See customised control algorithms developed in WEST
Implement advanced control strategies with unlimited capabilities
Evaluate various operational strategies prior to implementation with flexible control models. Automatically convert Matlab fuzzy logic controllers. Build fully customisable control systems using multiple control blocks that communicate with one another. Easily navigate the model library and customise control blocks to fit plant-specific nuances in operation and control using the built-in Model Editor. Benefit from built-in templates as well as inline syntax check and error detection, code snippets and code verification.